The Perfect Nest
by Catherine Friend is from the Texas 2 x 2 List
My son and I enjoyed reading this hilarious book about a hungry cat named Jack. He was so hungry that he decides to build a "perfect nest" so that he can make and eat a delicious perfect omelet. He uses his "perfect nest" to lure a chicken that will eventually lay an egg. You'll laugh at the pictures as Jack anxiously awaits his future meal. To his surprise, not only did he attract a chicken but also a duck and a goose. At first he was pleased because now he was going to have three omelets. However, the animals didn't want to leave so he tricked them into going to another farm who had a better nest. By the end of the story Jack was starving and could already taste the omelets in his mouth but just as he was going to crack the eggs, they started hatching. Seeing the baby chicks and listening to their cries, Jack could not bare to kill them so he decided to take care of them in his "perfect nest."
I am definitely going to take this book to my classroom because it makes a hilarious read-aloud. The illustrations are also awesome and my eight-year-old son and I have read it many times.
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