Saturday, July 12, 2008

Finalists for the 2008 National Book Award in Young People's Literature

Story of a Girl
by Sara Zarr is one of the Finalists for the 2008 National Book Award in Young People's Literature

Unfortunately, I think this book is one that many teenage girls could relate to. Deanna is a 13 year-old girl who was caught having sex by her father. In reality, teenagers probably get caught by other family members besides the dad. Her experience with Tommy, the 17 year-old boy whom she had sex with in the back seat of his car, labeled her "the school slut." For three years she was haunted by shame and guilt. To make her family situation worse, her brother gets his girlfriend pregnant and moves into their small house. Wanting to help her brother, his girlfriend, the baby, and herself move out of their house, she decides to get a summer job. Her haunting past creeps back when she discovers that Tommy also works in the same place. Struggling to change her ways, Deanna ends up forgiving Tommy and herself so that she can move on and make a new life for herself.
This is good eye opener for girls who are exploring with sex at a young age. This book helps them see that actions have consequences and hopefully girls will learn a valuable lesson by reading this book.

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