Touching Snow
by M. Sindy Felin is in the 2008 Best Book for Young Adults List
This book along with "Safe" by Susan Shaw, was out of my comfort zone. I don't enjoy reading books about abuse especially graphic novels such as this one. However, I couldn't stop reading it because I wanted to know how it was going to end. This is a first-person narrative told by Karina, a 14 year-old immigrant from Haiti. You are taken in by the book at the very beginning when you read "The best way to avoid being picked on by high school bullies is to kill someone." Wow, what a way to begin the story! Karina somewhat begins retelling her life's story with the ending, the death of her stepfather. The author graphically describes the many instances of abuse Karina and her siblings endured for years. With the fear of not being able to survive financially without him, Karina's mother discourages them from reporting him to the authorities. However, after a near death experience from one of her stepfather's abusive encounters with her older sister, Karina realizes that she must do something to protect her family. How much torture can a human being endure before taking action? You must read to find out!
Wow, this was such an amazing graphic novel that teaches you about the human's ability to tolerate pain and the courage to make things change. Unfortunately, physical abuse is still very common among families and Karina's story is just one tragic example of the reasons why victims choose to keep silent. The fear of being deported and loosing the financial supporter of the family are two reasons why families might relate to this story. Even though I prefer not to read these kind of books, I think it would be a good idea to do a book talk in a high school classroom, just in case someone might find themselves in similar situations.
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